This would be a good place to start for those who want a quick overview of the subject.Ī short book by this evangelical Christian who is also a Hebrew scholar that thoroughly critiques the Bible Code theories. Kenneth Samples, “ 10 Criticisms of the Bible Code,” Reasons to BelieveĮvangelical Christian philosopher summarizes in simple, brief terms ten important criticisms of the Bible Code. They all agree that the Bible code rests on statistical fallacies and that the method does not reveal hidden or encoded messages in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament. Some of these resources are by evangelical Christians some are from Jews or secularists. Excellent work has already been done that thoroughly refutes the Bible code theories the following resources are particularly recommended. The “Bible code” theories are an example of the latter they are worthless as guides to biblical revelations and as evidences of divine inspiration. However, some arguments for the Bible’s inspiration are better than others, and some are simply no good at all. There are many evidences supporting the reliability, accuracy, and inspiration of the Bible.